Saturday, 28 June 2014

.Net Face to Face interview questions for 5+ Years of experience along with the skills C# .Net, OOPS Concept, J-Query, ASP.Net, SQL Server, Java Script, WCF , Unit Testing and Lamda Expressions.

  1. What is Partial Class? How it will be in compile time?
  2. I have declared one method in One partial Class can I use it in another partial class?
  3. What is Sealed Class?
  4. What is difference between virtual class and abstract class?
  5. What is the difference between abstract class and interface?
  6. In which scenario we go for abstract and which scenario we go for interface?
  7. What is Delegate? Why to Use?
  8. Have you know about Lamda Expressions?
  9. Have you worked on LINQ?
  10. What is the Difference between Master Page and User Defined Function?
  11. One Textbox is there in content place holder that textbox value I want in Master Page How to capture it?
  12. Which Type of Session Management You have used in Your Application explain in
  13. Where Session value will store?
  14. Where session Id will Store?
  15. What is the State management Techniques in
  16. When we request will send to IIS what all the process how html Page will return to you?
  17. How to Handle Exceptions in Sqlserver?
  18. Have you listen @@Identity in Sqlserver?
  19. What is the Difference between stored procedure and Function?
  20. Which Design pattern you are working?
  21. What are the contracts available in wcf?
  22. Why we use fault contract?
  23. What is the use of MexHttpbinding?
  24. How many types of bindings available in WCF?
  25. How can we use WCF Services in our application?
  26. What is Service contract in WCF?
  27. What is the Difference between Delete and Truncate?
  28. Can we delete Primary Key Column from a Table?
  29. Have you worked in Multiple Inheritance?
  30. I have two interfaces I1,I2  and Written abc method in them now I have inherited those two interfaces and I  have implemented abc  method  will it give error or not? If why? How to do that?
  31. How will you do testing in your project
  32. Have you written any test cases? On what basis you will write text cases
  33. How to deploy project? In Production how you will do?
  34. Have you know how to create class diagrams?
  35. For what you have use TFS and VSS
  36. What is the Team Size of Your project
  37. As a Senior Software Programmer what are the Responsibilities you have
  38. What is @@Identity and SCOPE_IDENTITY()

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