Saturday, 7 June 2014

.Net telephonic Face to Face interview questions having 5+ Years of experience in the skills C# .Net, MVC, JQuery, ASP.Net, SQL Server, Java Script, WCF

  1. What is Polymorphism? Explain about that?
  2. What is the difference between overriding and over loading?
  3. What is Entity Frame Work?
  4. What is the difference between Dataset and data reader?
  5. How many types of contracts are there?
  6. Can we define different contracts in one end point?
  7. Can we define different operation contracts in one service contract?
  8. Can we define different data contracts in one service contract?
  9. What is the difference between data contract serialization and xml serialization?
  10. If I declare bit data type as unique key how many records we can store?
  11. If I declare bit data type as primary key how many records we can store?
  12. If I declare primary key which type of index it is?
  13. What is clustered index?
  14. What is non clustered index? How Many non-clustered indexes we can define on a table?
  15. Explain EDM concept?
  16. I have a data grid with 10000 records? How to do pagination? If I done pagination will it go to write query to fetch data for this page?
  17. By which method Dataset do DML operations?
  18. How many types of Dataset are there?
  19. What are the validation controls in
  20. Are validation controls server side or client side?
  21. If I want to make validation controls client side what I have to do? How many ways we can validate controls
  22. How datagrid renders (explain from getting data from data base to binding)
  23. If datagrid is bind with some data, I kept that data in session; in pagination will it get from session or database? Data source is dataset not session?
  24. How to do client side pagination for data grid in .Net?
  25. Have you worked on security configurations in .Net?
  26. Which is faster Entity Frame work or ADO.NET and Why?
  27. What is difference between ref and out key words?
  28.  Class A—Getint(): B {  Return 5(); }   ,   Class B—Getint() Return 7(); } ,  Class C{ A=new class A();  Int X=A.GetInt(); }
  29. What is the value of x , if I want value 7 what we have to do?

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